Handsome stud Vishal who is all set to hit the screens on the Independence Day with his movie 'Salute' shared his thoughts with the media after having a very low profile audio release of the bilingual which is also made in Tamil. The movie is directed by Rajasekhar and the music for the film has been composed by Harris Jayaraj. But more than the film, folks are interested to know what is cooking between Vishal and his co-star Nayan.
Speaking about the film, Vishal said that this is his seventh film but he has put an effort which is equal to the other six movies that he made. When the question of truth about Nayan was popped to him, he said in a rather plain face that there are many more burning issues right now such as the no confidence motion and the burning petrol prices than discuss his love life which is of no relevance.
However, he clarified that there is no romance between him and Nayan and mentioned that the intimate scenes that both of them were involved in one of the numbers was already told to Nayan when she signed the film. So it looks like the curtains are dropped when it comes to the Vishal-Nayan affair.
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